by patrice | | Business tips
Incubating eggs is a crucial step to ensure a high success rate in hatching. It relies on several parameters, including temperature, humidity, egg rotation, and the identification of viable eggs. The technique of candling is used to assess the viability of eggs. It...
by patrice | | Business tips
Knowing who your potential customers are is the essential asset for any company. In this digital age, the demographic data is out there waiting to be collected from social media, the internet and mobile devices. Geomarketing does just that! Geographic Information...
by patrice | | Business tips
For about two decades, Hong Kong has stood out because of its ease of doing business. World Bank has always ranked Hong Kong among the easiest economies for doing business. Many people, however, still find the process lengthy because they have to prepare the papers,...
by patrice | | Business tips
It is a well-known maxim that we need to remove the log from our own eye before addressing the speck in our brother’s eye. However, having someone else point out our flaws, suggest areas for improvement and help us find a better way is sometimes very necessary....
by patrice | | Business tips
It is a sad fact that most people ignore or even underestimate the need for home security even with the continued reports of home invasion crimes. The truth is, when you leave home for work, you expect to find a home that is secure. Bonus : we will talk about the...